Authors Guidelines

Preparation of Manuscripts: All manuscripts should be typed in double space with 12 font sizes of M.S. Word with a 1-inch margin on each side.

Format of Manuscripts: All manuscripts should be arranged as follows:

Title: The paper's title should be concise, specific, and informative, typed in14 font size capital letters.

Authors: The authors' names should be in10 font size capital letters.

Address: The name of the Institution where the work has been carried out and mention the address; add an E-mail address for easy and fast communication of all authors & co-authors. It should be in10 font size capital letters.

Abstract: An Abstract should be brief with salient points and an important conclusion, not exceeding 250 words without references.

Key Words: An abstract should be followed by not more than eight keywords indicating the contents of the manuscripts.

Text: Text should be in 12 font size of M.S. Word with a 1-inch margin on each side and divided into introduction, material, methods, observation/ results, discussion, acknowledgments, and references. Mathematical symbols, Chemical symbols, and Equations should be identified in the text if required. Only standard international units should be used.

Introduction: The introduction should be brief, specific, and without a heading. Avoid unnecessary details of earlier works.

Material and Methods: Material and Methods should contain relevant descriptions and experimental techniques used. For a well-known method, citation of the standard work is sufficient.

Results and Discussion: The result should include tables, graphs, charts, and photographs if required and minimum in number. Results should not be repeated in discussion.

Tables: Tables should be short and typed on separate sheets with proper heading, numbered in Arabic numerals, and cited in the text. Proper location in the text should be indicated as T-1,2, etc.

Figures: All diagrams, graphs, and photographs should be referred to in the text as figures and numbers consecutively with Arabic numerals (1, 2, etc.). All the figures should be provided with detailed captions and legends and should be typed on a separate sheet. The original drawing should be made in black ink on good-quality paper. Photographs should be clear, well contrasted, and glossy prints. All inscriptions on the figures should be large enough to stand sufficient reduction. The photograph number and title of the article should be given on the back of each photographic plate.

Acknowledgments: It should be put at the end before references and should be selective and meaningful.

References: At the end of the article, references should be arranged in alphabetical order without a serial number. References should be cited in the text by the name of the surnames followed by a year of publication, e.g.,(Srivastava and Beg; 2003).

Example for Reference Write Up

Research Paper: Johnson H.W., Robinson H.F., and Comstock R.E.; 1955. Estimates of genetic and environmental variability in soybeans. Agron. J., 47: 314-315.

Book: Falconer D.S.; 1969. Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. The Ronald Press Co. New York, USA: 365.

Thesis: Beg M.Z.; 1985. Cytogenetics of Some Angiosperms. Ph. D. Thesis, AMU, Aligarh.

Proceedings, Conferences and Symposia papers: Mishra R.; 1972. A comparative study of net primary productivity of dry deciduous forest and grassland of Varanasi. Symposium on Tropical Ecology with emphasis on organic production. Institute of Tropical Ecology, University of Georgia: 278-293.

Edited Books: Mandal S.S.; 2007. Tribal Medicines for the Welfare of Mother and Child. In: Role of Biotechnology in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Vol XVI. Edited by A.I. Khan and A. Khanam. (Ukash Publication), Hyderabad: 272-278.

Short Communications And Review Articles: Short current reports on scientific fields can be submitted for publication under short communication. They do not normally exceed 3 typed pages of A4 size in M.S. word, including tables and illustrations. Review articles on important topics in the fields of pure and applied sciences will be considered for publication. It should not exceed more than 10 typed pages of A4 size in M.S. word, including tables and illustrations.

Proofs and Reprints: Minor page proofreading will be done by the journal's editorial board. If required, it will be sent to the corresponding author. There are no gratis reprints. The minimum number of reprints can be ordered on payment at the time of acceptance of the paper.

Rights and Permissions: The society for Academics and Extension and Editors is not responsible for the statements and opinions expressed by the author in their articles and reviews. No part of Knowledgeable Research may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the chief editor, i.e. the copyright of the articles and reviews is automatically assigned to the Knowledgeable Research. The editor reserves the right to make alternations in the text of contributions due to space limitations or space conformity of style. All disputes shall be finally settled by the Courts in Bareilly.


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