Condition and status of women in Early Medieval India

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Anusheel Pal and Dr. Seema Gautam


The medium of epigraphy will be used in order to research the socio-economic, political and religious roles played by women during early medieval India, stretching from 600 to 1200 CE. As such, we can set aside the traditional patriarchal cliches typically associated with this period from Anjali Verma's work; hence a wide spread diversified participation of women's presence is rendered in that period. The study discovers regional variations and differences in religious influences on issues such as the position of women in Hinduism and Jainism, rights over property, education, widowhood, and religious practices.

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How to Cite
Anusheel Pal and Dr. Seema Gautam. (2024). Condition and status of women in Early Medieval India. Knowledgeable Research: A Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewd Refereed Journal, 3(04), 21–24. Retrieved from