Comparative Research towards Students’ Academic Progress Motivation Scale on Social and Natural Science for Learning General English at Ghor University, Afghanistan


  • Sayed Shir Aqa Hashemi Assistant Professor, English Language and Literature Department , Faculty of Education, Ghor University, Afghanistan
  • Qassem Farhang Assistant Professor. Department of Psychology, Ghor University Afghanistan



essential, dissatisfaction, academic progress, motivation scale, quantitative, descriptive statistic


Background: Motivation scale is an essential characteristic that simplifies the success and dissatisfaction for learning English. In learning English language, motivation is the key factor to improve and preserve the learning procedure for academic progress. Objectives: Students who are motivated concerning learning attitude to learn English and express a desire to learn and get knowledge through this skill. Method: In this research, the data has been collected over spreading questionnaire by selecting randomly students of both social and natural science, and analyzed by SPSS version 26. Result: The students’ academic progress motivation scale on learning English as General Subject was high on academic progress, doing their home assignments without asking any helps from others, and all the students are actively involved in learning process. The result of this research has shown the high levels of motivated students learning English. Suggestion: This research was the exceptional among similar researches, and it had discovered many beneficial methods finding the students’ motivation scales on their academic progress and English lecturers easily use the effective methods to teach the students and get more positive results. As it has found that there were disappointments and frustrations from current situations which needs more and especial researches to be done in future, and the scale of academic progress motivation for learning English was different between both social and natural science, so it is suggested that some research must be done on students of natural science only.



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How to Cite

Comparative Research towards Students’ Academic Progress Motivation Scale on Social and Natural Science for Learning General English at Ghor University, Afghanistan. (2023). Knowledgeable Research: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 1(08), 1-24.