Sustainable Technology and its role in Business Innovation

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Pankaj Singh


Innovation and sustainable technology are becoming more and more intertwined. Indeed, innovative, cutting-edge technology can significantly reduce environmental burdens, enhance social circumstances, and foster economic progress. However, there are gaps in the research about what motivates the creation of "sustainable" technical breakthroughs, what fosters their expansion, and what motivates organizations to adopt "sustainable" technological innovations. The design and analysis of intricate, integrated management systems as well as sustainable development are frequently linked to sustainable technology, which is a key area of study for environmental science and the advancement of the world economy. Waste minimization and reduced material and energy input are the most important environmental objectives. The current study looks at the connection between innovation and environmentally friendly technology.

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How to Cite
Pankaj Singh. (2022). Sustainable Technology and its role in Business Innovation. Knowledgeable Research: A Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewd Refereed Journal, 1(2), 1–8.


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