The Impact of Azospirallum and Nitrogen on Growth, Yield, and Nitrogen Content in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) Leaves.
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The objective of this study was to reduce nitrogen fertilizer costs and enhance both growth and nitrogen content in okra by applying lower nitrogen doses in combination with Azospirallum. A simple randomized pot experiment was conducted at Swami Shukdevanand College, Shahjahanpur from October to December 2023. Two control groups were established: one without nitrogen and Azospirallum, and another without nitrogen but with Azospirallum, to compare the effects of Azospirallum alone and in conjunction with different nitrogen doses. Nitrogen levels were assessed in dry leaves at 15, 30, and 45 days after germination (DAG). All nitrogen and Azospirallum treatments resulted in significantly improved growth, yield, and nitrogen content in okra leaves. The highest levels of plant growth, yield, and nitrogen content were observed in plants receiving nitrogen plus Azospirallum. Conversely, the lowest values for these parameters were observed in the control group (no nitrogen, no Azospirallum). Thus, it is recommended to use lower nitrogen doses along with Azospirallum seed inoculation to enhance nitrogen content in okra leaves and subsequently increase crop yield, while also reducing production costs by minimizing nitrogen fertilizer usage.
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