Swami Nem Pal’s India Malcontent

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Vinai Kumar Singh


The long poem "India Malcontent" was written by Swami Nem Pal Singh, a powerful and insightful poet from Dist Bulandshahar. It is a compilation of fragmented stanzas that offers a glimpse inside the poet's mind. The written lines are the words of a soul that is aware of both the inner and outward worlds. The author's creation is the outcome of wandering political musings. He may have aspirations to build a godly kingdom in our nation. This little volume's "Dedication" to the courageous and greatest of this nation shows Swami's unshakable devotion to India. The constant erosion of moral values in society fixates the poet and he lashes at the moral turpitude rampant all over the breadth and length of India. His poetry appears to spring from the depth of his heart, hence he tickles the heart of the readers. 'India Malcontent' betrayed poetic insights and high flight of imagination. 'India Malcontent' is Swami Nem Pal's tribute to the brave and best of this country. He has perhaps a dream of establishing a divine kingdom in our country. The paper is a modest attempt to analyse the various major feature of the maiden collection of the poet.

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How to Cite
Vinai Kumar Singh. (2022). Swami Nem Pal’s India Malcontent. Knowledgeable Research: A Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewd Refereed Journal, 1(2), 29–35. https://doi.org/10.57067/pprt.2022.1.2.5