Contribution of culture and religion in the philosophical tradition

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Dr. Ritu Singh


Darshan means interview. "Darshanam Sakshatkaranam" Api cha drishyate anen iti darshanam. The word philosophy in English is derived from two words, the word philosophy is derived from the Greek word “sophia” and “philos”. These words are made up of posts. Which means 'love' and 'love' respectively: - Vati or Vidya Devi means 'Philosophy', hence Vidya is love or love for knowledge. The human mind has a natural tendency to know itself and the external world. Philosophical thinking is the basic instinct of human being. Every person definitely has some vision of life, values ​​or philosophy. Indian philosophy often considers spiritual experience or self-realization as primary and intellectual thinking as secondary. The very meaning of the word darshan is to see in person i.e. to experience or experience the Supreme Being. Know the soul, there is no soul, this is the proclamation of Indian philosophy.

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How to Cite
Dr. Ritu Singh. (2024). Contribution of culture and religion in the philosophical tradition. Knowledgeable Research: A Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewd Refereed Journal, 3(01), 37–43. Retrieved from