Role and struggle of women entrepreneurship in rural development in Panchayati Raj.

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Dr Sanjeev Gangwar


The main objective of democratic decentralization is to promote equal public participation in programs of rural development and to give them maximum autonomy. For this, provision of reservation was made in the Panchayati Raj system to provide proper representation to women and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and it has been given the status of a fully autonomous democratic body. Under this, Panchayats were entrusted with the rights related to making plans for economic development and social justice. Important responsibility of implementation of various schemes of economic development and social justice and schemes related to the subjects listed in the Eleventh Schedule was also entrusted to the Panchayats. Panchayats have been given the right to absorb various types of work at the Panchayat level in order to mobilize the necessary economic resources for development, and have also been given the right to withdraw from them if necessary by forming various types of funds by the amount collected. .

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How to Cite
Dr Sanjeev Gangwar. (2023). Role and struggle of women entrepreneurship in rural development in Panchayati Raj. Knowledgeable Research: A Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewd Refereed Journal, 2(1), 1–6.


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