The Effect of National Education Policy 2020 on Teacher Education
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Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma, Tasmai Sree Gurave Namah
India enlightened the country in all periods of its history. The history of teacher education in India is the oldest history of the Indian education system. Saint Kabir explains the eminent personality teacher as a "Guru."Guru Govind Dau Kadhe, Kake Lagoo PaiBalihari Guru Aapne, Govind Deyo Bathai.The responsibility of passing on the knowledge of the 'Vedas,' 'Upanishad,' and other holy writings, as well as the teaching itself, was assigned to Brahmins, who were known as 'Gurus' and passed down from one generation to the next. Only those with the greatest experience and knowledge served in teaching roles. "Enjoying the same social standing and reputation as all individuals who excellently serve society," the World Encyclopedia of Teaching and Teacher Education (1987) said, "Educational programmes and levels should be more and more equivalent with the physician's education. "The National Education Strategy 2020 will characterize society as one in which prominent people are referred to as "gurus" for how they impart their knowledge, skills, and ethics to pupils in the most beneficial and optimum way. There have to be initiatives to encourage the most talented individuals to choose careers in teaching. People who have a high regard for educators and a high regard for the teaching profession as a whole. The most recent developments in teacher education should be more forcefully implemented in training institutions, both in terms of the material they teach and the methodology they use with local languages. Service conditions and the empowerment of teachers should be brought up to the necessary levels in conjunction with the quality of instructors' motivation. The level of education that a teacher needs to have is a factor in both selection and placement decisions.
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• National Education Policy 2020 Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India Elem. Res. 106: 279-297.